JACKY VINCENT - The Sound and The Story
$18.95 USD
Who said shred was dead? Jacky Vincent rose to fame with Falling In Reverse and Cry Venom and now focuses on teaching and writing/performing solo music. This virtuoso guitarist from Portsmouth, England has brought 80s style shred into the new millennium, and possesses a strikingly clean playing style, no matter the tempo. If you’re looking for top-tier speed, accuracy, technique, and precision, this is the teacher for you!
There are now 3 ways to experience JACKY VINCENT @FRET12:
- Digital “The Sound and The Story” – The complete package of Jacky sharing his sound AND story with you. View your content via any web browser, on demand. Downloads to your FRET12 account library so you can view it anytime, anywhere.
- Digital “The Story” Only – Don’t play guitar? Don’t fret. This is just the biography of Jacky Vincent, a must-watch for all music fans. Downloads to your FRET12 account library so you can view it anytime, anywhere.
- DVD Disc “The Sound and The Story” + FREE Digital copy – Everything above (Sound AND Story) on an all-region DVD (also comes with complementary digital version as listed above, for web viewing via your FRET12 account).
Digital "The Sound and The Story" includes:
- "The Sound" – 3+ hours of in-depth lessons, exercises, and playthroughs.
- "The Story" – 45-minute biography, interviews with Ronnie Radke and more.
- Bonus content, studio footage, live concert footage, outtakes, blooper reel.
- Backstage tour of Jacky Vincent's guitars and touring guitar rig.
- Downloadable Jacky-approved tablature PDF.
- Your personal digital copy downloads to your library within your FRET12 account, giving you the ability to watch your content on Wi-Fi enabled devices by simply logging into your account.
Digital "The Story" Only includes:
- "The Story" – 45-minute biography, interviews with Ronnie Radke and more. A must-see piece of content for any music fan.
- Your personal digital copy downloads to your library within your FRET12 account, giving you the ability to watch your content on Wi-Fi enabled devices by simply logging into your account.
DVD Disc “The Sound and The Story” + FREE Digital Copy includes:
- Everything noted on The Sound and The Story Digital option above + ALL Region DVD.